Creating an effective web presence requires more than just putting together a web site.
 It requires understanding your target audience, developing
a professional and consistent image, having reliable hosting,
 and spreading the word about your site.


Web Design
Flash / DHTML
Logo Creation
Banner ad
Search Engine Submission
Redesign & Maintenance
PaintShop Pro 8
Internet Marketing
Custom Graphics
Digital/Film Photography
Database-driven Software
Html, MySQL, PHP, Javascript
Forms, Polls, Submissions,
Chats , Message Boards & Searches
Site Submission/Promotion


Web Design

Our team of computer professionals understand that no two sites are the same, so we go to work to determine what you need, who you want to target, and what type of image you plan to project. With this information, our experts can work with you to complete your first site or to redesign your existing site. We take the time to give your needs the attention they deserve.

 We will develop sites using your existing graphics,
marketing information, advertising copy or
develop custom layouts and



Having a newly-designed site doesn't mean visitors will automatically flock to it. Even the most well-designed web site will remain a well-hidden secret without clever marketing. While part of that marketing involves search engine optimization, there are numerous other effective methods available as well. Don't forget your store is now open 24/7.  Be sure to promote it on all other marketing avenues,  ie: business cards, coupons, advertising.


Today's web sites often require more than just a decorative layout and a nice logo. Web-based applications, such as databases, are often an integral part of a professional, effective web presence. These applications require the expertise of a professional programmer.  These are the forms, database driven inventory software and other more labor intensive additions.

Multimedia Design

An effective web site is one that gets visitors to stick around. After all, the longer your visitors are present, the more likely they are to take the action you desire. But how can you get them to stay? The answer is by incorporating state-of-the-art multimedia design elements. Our team not only has the ability to incorporate these attention-getting features into your site but also knows how to do so effectively and professionally.

  More Web Needs......

We at KeVa Solutions have an added bonus of a Business & Community  You can have a great website but where do you put it?  Cyberspace is vast and ominous so it is beneficial to find avenues in addition to search engines to list your business.  This Directory is 10 years old, over 4000 pages & growing, and maintaining a repeat visitor base with hits averaging 100,000 per month!


Often one of the most overlooked aspects of an effective web presence is reliable web hosting. All the marketing and professional web design in the world won't help if your site is never available to potential visitors. We are Simply Hosting.Biz, a professional, friendly affordable host server offering 24/7 availability and tech support.
Average hosting cost range $10-$15 per month.

Redesign/ Maintenance/Updates
 We will redesign your existing site to give it a new updated look.  We regularly maintain websites adding information to keep your site current and changing..  We take care of your web needs so you don't have to!



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